Thursday, 24 October 2019

How to Choose the Perfect Study Space

Are you struggling to get in your studying mode? It might because of your study space. Studying is a brain intensive, and the brain requires a particular environment to get in a zone for studying. Need help building the best place studying? Don’t worry. We are here to solve it. Let start with the basics.

The area

If you already have a study space, see whether it is in a far off place, whether there is a window near it, If its roof is very close, etc. You have to observe these small things and decide whether you are happy with your current area or you would need to change the place. 

The workplace shouldn’t be too small; it should have enough place to accommodate your computer/laptop and all your books. Try to have a big computer table and arrange your stuff all around it. If you can’t find a computer table of your choice, then look for a big study table in which you can arrange all your items. Remember to leave some space right in front to write efficiently. 

Many people don’t take it to account that the studying place should be comfortable that you don’t get disturbed by it. If you are not pleased with your chair, it will divert your mind to have change your sitting position over and over. Discover your choice of chair whether you like a soft foaming chair or a chair which is made with hardwood. Test the chair you changing whether it has armrests or not. Is the chair adjustable? Keep in mind all the little thing you would look in the chair. Many stores offer to test their chair before buying go there try different types and buy the one which suits you.

Do you like cold temperature or warmth while studying? Adjust the temperature to your liking. Some people like warm temperature as the cold temperature makes their hand cold and working really hard for them. Some people like cold temperature as they sweat a lot and they use cold temperature to stop it. 

It better suggested that the study place have adequate lighting for reading. Often people take this point to make the study place look like a burning sun seriously. Choose the amount of light you comfortable with. Try to have a window which can allow as much sunlight as some scientist has proved that to learn faster sunlight can be a create help. You can also choose the colour of lighting, as some people like blue lighting to get in the study mode and some like red light.

Have almost everything.
On your study space have everything you will be using during the study except water. If you get up to find something, you will break your focus, and your brain will get distracted. Keep your supplies on the table such as your pencils box, your laptop, etc. Don’t forget to place your books near the tables. While we are in a study mode, we don’t want to get up do something else. 

Keep organised or messy
This a point in which will you have to see whether you like to study in a messy place or perfectly organised place. Try a simple test of learning two things, one with a messy background second with a clean experience. See which one you learned quickly and was comfortable with.

Organise your computer
 Most people don’t realise this point, organizing your pc/laptop a significant factor of feeling uncomfortable. Make a specific folder of everything so you could find everything easily. Label undone project with drafts or undone. Delete unuseful thing from you pc.

A place for your phone
Your phone will be one of the thing distracting you while studying. It is better to have an area which hides your phone. Before the study sessions, silent your notification and only allows calls to come through and place your phone in a hidden place.

Have a clock
Having a clock on your desk will help you monitor your progress. You can decide whether you’re learning speed was enough, or you need to improve it. If possible, have a clock with an alarm and stopwatch functionality. So you could test your speed for limited time exams. If you are disturbed by the tick-tock noise of the analogue clock try a digital clock which suits you

No food.
Many people say that they get in study mood only whiling eating, but they do not that while eating some your brain gets distracted to keep your body feed.

Try to study in a quiet environment. It will help you focus more quickly. Some people say they focus better while playing music but there a significant disadvantage with it. You will lose focus more quickly while listening to songs. Sometimes there is that one song you love and know its lyrics somewhat, so unexpected start singing while working. Before you know you were singing you have lost your focus.

Make you study place look like your exam hall?
Many experts say that your brain gets training to remember to sure thing only a particular place. If your study place is similar to the exam hall, your mind will adjust easily and remember thing more quickly. Another advantage of this feature that you will feel comfortable in the exam hall as it will look like your study place.

Use only for study
Many people use their study place for multipurpose, like playing games on their pc or eating in the study area. If you do it stop it as soon as can. With this habit, you are training your brain to do other things except for study in that place.

Write your favourite motivation
Studying is not an easy task these days. You often will get demotivated during the study. Have a big poster of your favourite motivation quotes or have a sign of the person you want to become in the future. 

Make you type
Make your study place comfortable to your eyes. It will attract attention to study place. If you like black-white combination make your study place more black and white. Some people like vibrant colour use a combination of vibrant colour in your setup.

Don’t go overboard
Yes, don’t overboard on your study space as it will take much time to make it perfect and you will have none for studying. Just buy the main necessary things and slow upgrade the setup.

Take the internet help
Want to save time making your study place comfortable? Open design on the internet and copy it. Make some alteration along the way to the things you don’t like. You can even give a contract to an interior designer to make it the same as you saw on the internet.

Don’t make too comfortable
We know we been telling you to make it most comfortable but don’t make it so pleasing that your body and mind get in the mood to sleep there.

Takes breaks
This is not much related to study place but to yourself. After every one-two takes a short break such as drinking water, walking around the light scrim through facebook, etc. Please do what you like but make sure that it is not very long. 

These are some best way to have the one comfortable study space. If you are still not able to keep your grade up, you need to change your learning style, because of there nothing wrong with the study place. You sure love to love these when you apply it. Even your friend, you will get jealous of seeing your study place.

Author Bio
Caspar Lee is a fervent blogger with extensive expertise in education, travel, health, lifestyle, career and technology based writing. He is at present an academic consultant for Dissertation Writing Services an organization helping students to find ease and peace of mind with better results.

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